Category Archives: kill George Romero

>Call of The Dead



5 All-New Multiplayer Maps and Only 1 New Zombie Map!

“Escalation”, the second Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack, contains 5 all-new maps; featuring 4 Multiplayer maps and a Black Ops Zombies experience with all-new playable characters.

In Multiplayer, battle it out in “Hotel”, on the roof of a Cuban luxury hotel and casino against the vivid backdrop of old Havana; “Convoy” delivers intense, close-quarters combat at the scene of an ambushed US military convoy; “Zoo” takes you on a wild ride in an abandoned Soviet Russian Zoo and “Stockpile” pits players in a remote Russian farm town housing secret WMD facilities.

For Zombies fans, i.e. me, “Escalation” features only 1 new zombies map: “Call of the Dead”. You get to play as one of the four zombie-killing dream-team of Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy), Robert Englund (Freddy), Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead), and Danny Trejo (Machete) against zombies. Set in a mysterious ice-covered remote Siberian island and inspired by legendary writer and director George A. Romero, a group of four fearless explorers fight for their lives amidst an army of bloodthirsty Russian zombies. George, is actually a zombie himself who annoyingly stalks you around the map.

I’ve been playing this one for a couple of weeks now and haven’t figured out a good strategy yet to survive longer. Normally, I would just run circles and kill zombies as they follow me but Romero keeps getting in the way. I never seem to get the VR-11 from the Mystery Box in order to deal with him and I have to go so far to get Juggernog which is usually nowhere near the box. Eventually, like every map you’ve played a thousand times I’ll get it. Anyone know any good strategies they’ve come up with?

Be rid George Romero you need to get the new VR-11 (the gun that turns zombies back into humans) and Pack-A-Punch it. Now go back to where you started the game and get Romero into the water. Now shot him a couple of times and he should go down into the water.

Pack-A-Punch go to where you turn on the power (top of the ship) and turn the wheel to the left 2 times, go to the levers to your right and pull lever 1 down 2 times and lever 3 down 3 times.

Activate the green light same as pack a punch but turn the wheel to the left 5 times and pull lever 1 down only once. The light will end up in the lighthouse.

Get the Golden Rod by killing a zombie next to the green light so that it can be trapped in it. Once the zombie reaches the top of the light and teleports away the golden rod should appear at the bottom of the stairs.